by Pat Garvey | Oct 15, 2013 | Fund News, SIOF Quarterly Newsletter
The Stonecrest Income & Opportunity Fund-1 had another solid quarter with profits derived mainly from our retail real estate and non-performing notes sales. We continue to create our own real estate inventory by either foreclosing or convincing borrowers to deed...
by Pat Garvey | Jul 17, 2013 | Company News, Fund News, SIF Quarterly Newsletter
[su_spacer size=”10″]Performance Report: as of 6/30/13 Second quarter average return: 7.75% Year-to-date annualized return: 7.75% Number of loans: 40 Gross loan portfolio dollars: $10,243,972 (100% in 1st and 0% in 2nd position) Average loan-to-value:...
by Pat Garvey | Jul 15, 2013 | Fund News, SIOF Quarterly Newsletter
We’ve experienced a very solid second quarter with the asset managers making progress on the non-performing loans they are working out with borrowers. We purchased a handful of smaller pools of non-performing notes in the second quarter and have recently bid on a few...
by Pat Garvey | Apr 17, 2013 | Company News, Fund News, SIF Quarterly Newsletter
[su_spacer size=”10″]Performance Report: as of 3/31/13 First quarter average return: 7.75% Year-to-date annualized return: 7.75% Number of loans: 25 Gross loan portfolio dollars: $7,743,025 (100% in 1st and 0% in 2nd position) Average loan-to-value:...
by Pat Garvey | Apr 15, 2013 | Fund News, SIOF Quarterly Newsletter
The real estate market continues to improve in most parts of the country with the Bay Area being one of the brighter markets. Stonecrest has been working to improve the positioning of our land contracts for their eventual sale next year. The increasing values across...